(chūnfēngdéyì)−Springbreeze brings joy.
(chūnfēnghuàyǔ)−Springbreeze and gentle rain; metaphor for a teacher’s influence on students. 春风满面 (chūnfēngmǎnmiàn)−Facefull of spring breeze; used to describe a person’s happy and contented expression. 春光明媚 (chūnguāngmíngmèi)−Brightand beautiful spring scenery. 春意盎然 (chūnyìàngrán)−Springis in the air; used to describe the vibrant and lively atmosphere of spring. 春暖花开 (chūnnuǎnhuākāi)−Springwarmth brings flowers in bloom; used to describe the arrival of beautiful things after a period of hardship. 春华秋实 (chūnhuáqiūshí)−Springblossoms, autumn fruits; metaphor for reaping rewards after hard work. 春去秋来 (chūnqùqiūlái)−Springgoes, autumn comes; metaphor for the passage of time. 春色撩人 (chūnsèliáorén)−Enchantingspring scenery; used to describe the captivating beauty of spring. 春意盈盈 (chūnyìyíngyíng)−Filledwith the joy of spring; used to describe a person’s cheerful and lively demeanor. 春寒料峭 (chūnhánliàoqiào)−Springis still chilly; used to describe the lingering cold weather during early spring. 春蚕到死丝方尽 (chūncándàosǐsīfāngjìn)−Silkthread is spun until the silkworm dies; metaphor for working tirelessly until the task is completed. 春风一度 (chūnfēngyīdù)−Amomentary spring breeze; used to describe a fleeting and transient experience. 春梦无痕 (chūnmèngwúhén)−Springdreams leave no trace; used to describe a beautiful but unrealizable dream. 春风化育 (chūnfēnghuàyù)−Springbreeze nurtures growth; used to describe the positive influence of education and environment on personal development. 春华秋实 (chūnhuáqiūshí)−Springblossoms, autumn fruits; metaphor for achieving success after hard work. 春风桃李 (chūnfēngtáolǐ)−Springbreeze brings peaches and plums; used to describe the flourishing of talented individuals. 春笋出笼 (chūnsǔnchūlóng)−Bambooshoots emerge from the ground in spring; used to describe a sudden increase in population or new talents. 春色无边 (chūnsèwúbiān)−Boundlessspring scenery; used to describe the vastness and beauty of spring. 春风化雨润物无声 (chūnfēnghuàyǔrùnwùwúshēng)−Springbreeze and gentle rain silently nourish all things; metaphor for the subtle and beneficial influence of a caring person. 春江水暖鸭先知 (chūnjiāngshuǐnuǎnyāxiānzhī)−Ducksin warm spring water know it first; used to describe being sensitive to changes in the environment. 春雷滚滚 (chūnléigǔngǔn)−Rollingspring thunder; used to describe a powerful and energetic atmosphere. 春风十里不如你 (chūnfēngshílǐbùrúnǐ)−Thespring breeze is not as pleasant as you; used to compliment someone’s charm and beauty. 春暖花香 (chūnnuǎnhuāxiāng)−Warmspring with fragrant flowers; used to describe a pleasant and delightful atmosphere. 春回大地 (chūnhuídàdì)−Springreturns to the earth; used to describe the revival and rejuvenation of nature.