LOL - Laugh out loud(大声笑)
OMG - Oh my God(我的天啊) BRB - Be right back(马上回来) AFK - Away from keyboard(离开键盘) TBH - To be honest(说实话) SMH - Shaking my head(摇头) IMO - In my opinion(在我看来) IDK - I don’t know(我不知道) BTW - By the way(顺便说一下) OMGWTFBBQ - Oh my God, what the f∗∗∗, barbecue(我的天啊,搞什么鬼,烧烤) TTYL - Talk to you later(以后再聊) ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing(滚在地上大笑) FTW - For the win(为了胜利) NSFW - Not safe for work(不适合上班) FOMO - Fear of missing out(错过恐惧症) YOLO - You only live once(你只活一次) TFW - That feeling when(那种感觉当) OOTD - Outfit of the day(今日穿搭) IRL - In real life(现实生活中) AFAIK - As far as I know(据我所知) BFF - Best friends forever(永远的最好朋友) DM - Direct message(私信) HBD - Happy birthday(生日快乐) NVM - Never mind(不要紧) IMHO - In my humble opinion(以我拙见) SMH - So much hate(太多的仇恨) GTG - Got to go(要走了) WTH - What the hell(什么鬼) IDGAF - I don’t give a f∗∗∗(我不在乎) YMMV - Your mileage may vary(你的经验可能会有所不同) TMI - Too much information(信息太多) FYI - For your information(供参考) IKR - I know, right?(我知道,对吧?) TFW - That feeling when(那种感觉当) NBD - No big deal(没什么大不了) TL;DR - Too long; didn’t read(太长了,没看) IANAL - I am not a lawyer(我不是律师) AYCE - All you can eat(随便吃) IRL - In real life(现实生活中) BAE - Before anyone else(在任何人之前) SMH - So much hate(太多的仇恨) WYD - What you doing?(你在做什么?