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作者:一品健康 来源:www.yipinjiankang.com 时间:2024-09-11 17:17:10分类:皮肤整形

简介  反身代词短语是英语语法中的一个重要概念,它在句子中起到指代主语并强调主语的作用。反身代词短语由反身代词和介词短语组成,常见的反身代词有myself、yourself、himse



1. I can do it myself.(我自己能做到。)


2. You should take care of yourself.(你应该照顾好自己。)

3. He hurt himself while playing football.(他在踢足球时受伤了。)

4. She bought herself a new dress.(她给自己买了一条新裙子。)

5. The cat is cleaning itself.(猫正在自己清洁身体。)

6. We should be proud of ourselves.(我们应该为自己感到骄傲。)

7. You can help yourselves to some snacks.(你们可以自己拿些零食。)

8. They enjoyed themselves at the party.(他们在派对上玩得很开心。)

9. I can't believe it myself.(我自己都不敢相信。)

10. You should trust yourself.(你应该相信自己。)

11. He blamed himself for the mistake.(他为错误责备自己。)

12. She locked herself in the room.(她把自己锁在房间里。)

13. The dog is scratching itself.(狗正在自己抓痒。)

14. We need to take care of ourselves.(我们需要照顾好自己。)

15. You should be proud of yourselves.(你们应该为自己感到骄傲。)

16. They enjoyed themselves at the beach.(他们在海滩上玩得很开心。)

17. I can't do it by myself.(我一个人做不了。)

18. You should believe in yourself.(你应该相信自己。)

19. He hurt himself on purpose.(他故意伤害了自己。)

20. She bought herself a present.(她给自己买了个礼物。)

21. The baby is feeding itself.(婴儿正在自己吃饭。)

22. We can take care of ourselves.(我们可以照顾好自己。)

23. You should be proud of yourselves.(你们应该为自己感到骄傲。)

24. They enjoyed themselves at the concert.(他们在音乐会上玩得很开心。)

25. I can't explain it myself.(我自己也解释不了。)

26. You should love yourself.(你应该爱自己。)

27. He blamed himself for the accident.(他为事故责备自己。)

28. She locked herself out of the house.(她把自己锁在屋外了。)

29. The bird is cleaning itself.(鸟正在自己清洁羽毛。)

30. We need to take care of ourselves.(我们需要照顾好自己。)

31. You should be proud of yourselves.(你们应该为自己感到骄傲。)

32. They enjoyed themselves at the party.(他们在派对上玩得很开心。)

33. I can't do it by myself.(我一个人做不了。)

34. You should believe in yourself.(你应该相信自己。)

35. He hurt himself while fixing the car.(他在修车时受伤了。)

36. She bought herself a new phone.(她给自己买了部新手机。)

37. The cat is grooming itself.(猫正在自己梳理毛发。)

38. We can take care of ourselves.(我们可以照顾好自己。)

39. You should be proud of yourselves.(你们应该为自己感到骄傲。)

40. They enjoyed themselves at the beach.(他们在海滩上玩得很开心。)

41. I can't believe it myself.(我自己都不敢相信。)

42. You should trust yourself.(你应该相信自己。)

43. He blamed himself for the mistake.(他为错误责备自己。)

44. She locked herself in the room.(她把自己锁在房间里。)

45. The dog is scratching itself.(狗正在自己抓痒。)

46. We need to take care of ourselves.(我们需要照顾好自己。)

47. You should be proud of yourselves.(你们应该为自己感到骄傲。)

48. They enjoyed themselves at the park.(他们在公园里玩得很开心。)

49. I can't do it by myself.(我一个人做不了。)

50. You should believe in yourself.(你应该相信自己。)

51. He hurt himself on purpose.(他故意伤害了自己。)

52. She bought herself a present.(她给自己买了个礼物。)

53. The baby is feeding itself.(婴儿正在自己吃饭。)

54. We can take care of ourselves.(我们可以照顾好自己。)

55. You should be proud of yourselves.(你们应该为自己感到骄傲。)

56. They enjoyed themselves at the concert.(他们在音乐会上玩得很开心。)

57. I can't explain it myself.(我自己也解释不了。)

58. You should love yourself.(你应该爱自己。)

59. He blamed himself for the accident.(他为事故责备自己。)

60. She locked herself out of the house.(她把自己锁在屋外了。)

61. The bird is cleaning itself.(鸟正在自己清洁羽毛。)

62. We need to take care of ourselves.(我们需要照顾好自己。)

63. You should be proud of yourselves.(你们应该为自己感到骄傲。)

64. They enjoyed themselves at the party.(他们在派对上玩得很开心。)

65. I can't do it by myself.(我一个人做不了。)

66. You should believe in yourself.(你应该相信自己。)

67. He hurt himself while fixing the bike.(他在修自行车时受伤了。)

68. She bought herself a new book.(她给自己买了本新书。)

69. The cat is sleeping by itself.(猫正在自己睡觉。)

70. We can take care of ourselves.(我们可以照顾好自己。)

71. You should be proud of yourselves.(你们应该为自己感到骄傲。)

72. They enjoyed themselves at the beach.(他们在海滩上玩得很开心。)

73. I can't believe it myself.(我自己都不敢相信。)

74. You should trust yourself.(你应该相信自己。)

75. He blamed himself for the mistake.(他为错误责备自己。)

76. She locked herself in the bathroom.(她把自己锁在浴室里。)

77. The dog is barking at itself in the mirror.(狗在镜子中对着自己叫。)

78. We need to take care of ourselves.(我们需要照顾好自己。


