马到成功(mǎ dào chéng gōng)- To achieve success immediately.
马首是瞻(mǎ shǒu shì zhān)- To follow someone’s lead closely.
马耳东风(mǎ ěr dōng fēng)- To turn a deaf ear to advice.
马不停蹄(mǎ bù tíng tí)- To work tirelessly without stopping. 马马虎虎(mǎ mǎ hū hū)- So-so or careless. 马到福地(mǎ dào fú dì)- To arrive at a place of good fortune. 一马当先(yī mǎ dāng xiān)- To take the lead. 一马平川(yī mǎ píng chuān)- A vast, flat plain. 人馬一体(rén mǎ yī tǐ)- Unity between people and horses; closely connected. 马首不见(mǎ shǒu bù jiàn)- To be absent or missing. 百里挑一(bǎi lǐ tiāo yī)- To choose the best from many candidates. 亡羊补牢(wáng yáng bǔ láo)- To mend the sheepfold after losing a sheep; to take action to remedy a situation after it has gone wrong. 自相矛盾(zì xiāng máo dùn)- To contradict oneself. 一箭双雕(yī jiàn shuāng diāo)- To kill two birds with one stone. 心猿意马(xīn yuán yì mǎ)- To have a restless mind; to be easily distracted. 画蛇添足(huà shé tiān zú)- To overdo something; to spoil something by unnecessary addition. 杯弓蛇影(bēi gōng shé yǐng)- To be overly suspicious; to see shadows where there are none. 刻舟求剑(kè zhōu qiú jiàn)- To continue with a method or plan that has become outdated or ineffective. 井底之蛙(jǐng dǐ zhī wā)- A frog at the bottom of a well; someone with a narrow perspective. 守株待兔(shǒu zhū dài tù)- To wait for windfalls without making any effort. 拔苗助长(bá miáo zhù zhǎng)- To spoil something by trying to speed up its growth. 鸡犬不宁(jī quǎn bù níng)- Chaos and unrest; not a peaceful place. 虎头蛇尾(hǔ tóu shé wěi)- To start something energetically but lose interest and fail to finish it properly. 风马牛不相及(fēng mǎ niú bù xiāng jí)- Completely unrelated; not relevant to each other. 画龙点睛(huà lóng diǎn jīng)- To add the finishing touch to something; to make something perfect. 背水一战(bèi shuǐ yī zhàn)- To fight a decisive battle when there is no retreat. 妄自尊大(wàng zì zūn dà)- To be conceited and arrogant. 不自量力(bù zì liàng lì)- To overestimate one’s ability. 闭门造车(bì mén zào chē)- To work without seeking advice or learning from others. 画饼充饥(huà bǐng chōng jī)- To console oneself with empty promises; to offer impossible solutions. 以牙还牙(yǐ yá huán yá)- An eye for an eye; to retaliate in kind.